English Language Arts

Course Offerings

Students must enroll in an English course each semester to meet graduation requirements.   A total of 40 credits is required, with all courses aligned to  California Common Core State Standards. 

Core English

English 1: Freshman College Prep English

English 1A: Freshman Accelerated College Prep English course for avid readers and writers who seek an enriched experience.

English 2: Sophomore College Prep English 

English 2A:   Sophomore Accelerated College Prep English course for avid readers and writers who seek an enriched experience.

English 3: Juniors College Prep English Course

ERWC:  Expository Reading & Writing Course also known as Seniors College Prep English Course

Advanced Placement
(AP) Courses

AP English Language and Composition: Rhetorical and analytical writing
typically for juniors.

AP English Literature and Composition:
Literary analysis and composition,
typically for seniors.

Specialty & Elective Courses

Genres of Composition: a college prep English course for students needing credit recovery.

Gothic Literature: Explores stories that delve into themes of mystery, the supernatural, and psychological depth, often set in dark or atmospheric environments.

Journalism: Focuses on news writing, reporting, and media creation to develop skills for print and digital storytelling.

Yearbook: Provides practical experience in design, photography, and editorial production for the school’s annual publication.