AP English Language

AP English Language

AP English Language and Composition is an advanced course that aims to deepen and expand students' understanding of how written language functions rhetorically. The course is designed to cultivate students' rhetorical understanding and use of written language by directing their attention to writer/reader interactions in their reading and writing of various formal and informal genres.

Throughout the course, students will read and write a range of texts, including memos, letters, advertisements, political satires, personal narratives, scientific arguments, cultural critiques, and research reports. Through close analysis of these texts, students will develop their ability to identify and analyze rhetorical strategies, including ethos, logos, and pathos.

The course is designed to prepare students for the rigor of college-level writing by emphasizing critical reading, analysis, and effective communication. By the end of the course, students will be well-prepared to succeed on the AP English Language and Composition exam, as well as in college-level writing and beyond. Through a focus on rhetorical analysis, argumentation, and effective communication, students will develop the necessary skills to excel in various writing contexts.

At a glance: