Academic Support
Email your teacher to discuss specific concerns or struggles you are experiencing in the class and ask for help. You can find their email at the staff directory.
Use the MiNGA application to request a tutorial appointment with your teacher. Attend a Tutorial Period with your teacher to get extra help. This can be done on a regular basis or as needed. The Tutorial Period is attached to your 4th period on "T" Days on Wednesdays and Fridays.
Create a weekly tutorial schedule and be prepared with your questions or concerns when you meet with your teacher. Are you not understanding the material? Ask for learning strategies to help you learn the material.
Schedule a Student/Teacher/Parent Conference to discuss strategies that will help you improve your grade.
Unsatisfactory grades are often associated with missed or incomplete assignments, lack of participation, and poor attendance. Think about what you can do differently in the classroom and at home to start making changes (baby steps).
Are you deficient in credits? Contact your school counselor immediately to create a graduation plan.
We are working on our Tutoring program. While we cannot guarantee in-person Tutors, but please use the following forms to express your interest in either being a tutor or in having a tutor to help you. We will reach out shortly. Please email Ms. Konzem, our parent volunteer who is coordinating this program, at if you have any questions.
ESUHSD now has an online tutoring platform! Students can access this by logging into their ARMS account at and clicking on the "PAPER" app icon. is an online tutoring service that is available for all students!
Here is some information that answers frequently asked questions about that you can find when you click here.
Alternatively you can also find additional online tutoring from the San Jose Library System by clicking here.
Monitor your grades regularly for class updates.
Create a weekly time management calendar to stay organized.
Missing assignments or exams? Contact your teacher and make them up ASAP!
Are you not understanding the material or need help? Schedule a tutoring appointment.
Unsatisfactory grades are often associated with:
Missed or Incomplete assignments
Lack of participation
Poor attendance
Low test scores
Are you deficient in credits? Contact your school counselor immediately to create a graduation plan.