How to Start Financial Aid

What you'll find below 


How to Create the FSA ID


Comparing the FAFSA & CADAA


 How to Appeal  Your Award Package

Step 1: How to Create the FSA ID
The FSA ID is your legal signature for U.S. Department of Education systems, used to complete the FAFSA and manage federal student loans

Key Tips:

Click here on this image to create your FSA ID. ➡️
You will need your Social Security number, full name, date of birth, email, and mobile number.  Visit for more information and support.


  2 Compare FAFSA & CADAA and access helpful resources:

Plans for Community College? 

Is Tuition... FREE? 

See the links attached for more info ➡️


 How to Appeal  

Your Award Package


Contacting the Financial Aid Office

Focus: Needs-based appeals

● Initiate with an introductory email or letter
● Request time to talk over the phone
● Discuss changes in your financial situation

 ● Do not have mom/dad do this for you

 ● Be specific with the sum of money

Key Terms:

 ● Use reconsideration or revaluation

 ● Instead of negotiation

Provide third-party proof of financial changes

Potentially recalculated EFC & increased aid


Contacting the Admissions Office

Focus: Merit-based aid

● Request a scholarship increase by email/letter
● Prepare reasons based on achievements
● Consider your school’s prestige first

 ● Do not state your financial need as a merit

 ● Do not ask for a specific sum of money

Key Terms:

 ● Use deserving or merit

 ● Instead of needs or necessity

Provide proof of achievements, when possible

Potentially scholarship boost, applied all 4 years