Class Elections

All About Elections

Welcome to the Elections page—your go-to resource for everything you need to know about running for student office! Whether you're interested in becoming Class President, Vice President, Secretary, Publicist, Treasurer, or taking on a leadership role in the Junior or Senior Class, this page has all the details you need.

When running, there will be guidelines and rules you will need to follow on this page. If you win, you will be placed into a pool of candidates. The top five elected students will be given leadership roles of treasurer, president, secretary, and etc. based on interviews with the leadership committee and student activities director.

Submit campaign videos to

ASB Executive Officer Form Deadline: April 4th

ASB Executive Officer Video Deadline: April 11th

ASB Executive Officer Campaign Week: April 14th-17th

ASB Executive Officer Election Date: April 18th


Sophomore, Junior, Senior Class Officer Form Deadline: April 4th

Sophomore, Junior, Senior Class Officer Video Deadline: April 25th

Sophomore, Junior, Senior Class Officer Campaign Week: April 28th - May 1st

Sophomore, Junior, Senior Class Officer Election Date: May 2nd

First Informational Meeting

The first in-person informational meeting on how to run, what it entails, and protocol will be held in room 803 on Friday, March 28th during lunch time! Make sure to swing by if you are interested in becoming an elected officer!

This page will expand!

As candidates apply and begin running for office, check back to this page by April 14th for additional information on candidates, their positions, and their summaries on why you should vote for them!